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(1 edit)

Hey, that's a nice game idea.

The options are really interesting but there are a bunch of controls and it takes some time to get used.

I found a bug, if you are controlling the legs and recall the body you can get stuck in the ground.

The music gets a bit repetitive, it could be a little longer (but that is hard, so maybe lowering the volume would help, so it is less intrusive).

The jumps feel a bit floaty, maybe having different speeds for going up and down could help, it is more noticeable when you have the legs.

But its a nice idea and a fun little game :)

Hey, thanks for the comment! This is the game's programmer commenting.

While this project probably won't be expanded much further, I definetly agree with many of the points you brought up and will try to work better on them in future projects.

I had a small question, however: Did you recall the body *while* you were controlling the legs? That caught me off guard, as I believe you should only be able to recall the body if you are controlling the head. Maybe I should look a bit further into that ;)

Anyways, I'm glad you were able to enjoy this project even though it ended up being more of a shell then a finished project, which I take blame in. Thank you again for your feedback!


Yes, I was controlling the Legs and used the recall Closest while on top of the body with head